So I gave our zombie guy some animations and he now hits back and he’s so proud of himself! I’m proud of him too, and this animation took waayyy longer than it should, I hate myself for using that texture for the mushroom on his back. But all is well and that means we’re on to three enemy types now, the Mushroom Parasite Ghoul (I need to find a better name), the wall-crawler slime and the tiny turret mushroom (I’m going to have to come up for an in-universe reason for why a tiny mushroom has the power to shoot fiery death at you from his mouth).
Also, I made a pause screen. Everything works, and I guess now I’ve just gotta figure out what else to put on it.

Obviously, an options menu is coming, I’ve been meaning to do that for a while. But here’s a kind of funny anecdote, I was testing out the Anti-Aliasing feature that Game Maker has built in and I accidentally left it on at 8x Anti-Aliasing, and for a moment I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why the game was so blurry and why it was running so super poorly. It took me about fifteen minutes to realize my mistake, but up until that point, I was super confused.
But yeah, changing resolution from an options menu is one of the things I want to add, and I want to spruce up the main menu, it’s just a black screen with the logo. Kind of been trying to think of ideas on how to change that up.
Anyway, Happy Thursday! Hope it’s great, Ragnarockerbunny out!