Frankburt's III: A Look Into The Past.
1 year ago

Urgent Development note.

(in case you know about this "behavior" of clickteam, please help or provide any information, we would be very thankful if you do).

Ok, recently Exorium mentioned some issues with the game running out of memory, But recently he noticed something. For some reason, in his laptop, when running the game, each time an animation is running for the first time, it adds memory usage, on the other hand, on his desktop, that doesn't happen, the dream-night frame starts with a consumption of 1.6gb/4gb and stays there. It seems that this issue is caused by external device reasons. We have no idea if it is a hardware or a software issue or both. He says that he will try to optimize the animations in order to allow more devices to run the game, but we can't guarantee that it will work on any device. We are so sorry if when the game eventually releases you can’t play it because of this. We hope everyone understands this. Have an nice day.

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Next up

Dream Night 60% done!

Release vercion of the game 70% done!

(For reference, the alpha was just 30% of the final release and a 20% of the full game with future updates)

Stay Tuned

The Past Must Be Revealed!

Now He's Just A Bunch Of Spare Parts.


Happy Birthday FNaF!!! This is an amazing day for not only FNaF is celebrating its birthday but also it is now a DECADE! To celebrate this evet we have which might be the last annoucement before 1.0 Release.

Main beta testing is DONE! Trailer Soon....

Rat Race Production Update

Protocol "T" Status: Failed. Protocol "AWAKE" Status: Executing.

Revisited Old Friends

-Clasic Fredbear

-Clasic Springbonnie

-Clasic Frankburt

(Dream Night Animatronic Model's Remaked)

This place full of suffering will be the key to reveal the secrets of your past and your father's past.


Re-Doing the entire floor 1 (exepting the office) for the grand finale.

Stay Tuned ;P