Mindhive: Wilds

2 months ago

v1.7 "Three-Sixty" (The Combat Update) just launched!

Read what's new....

V1.7 - Three-Sixty

This update focused on improving the battle system and providing important changes and bug fixes.

Update Spotlight: Better Battles

  • Most enemies now have thoughts during battle

  • Using the same attack over and over gives you fatigue which lowers your damage output

  • Enemy Health bars have been added

  • Weather now appears in battles again

  • A weapon mastery system

  • A battle tutorial


  • Charles Vending Machines now talk after interacting with them

  • New sounds for entering and exiting water

  • Your amount of Vitalixr is now shown in battle

  • Added an option to enable and disable filter effects

  • Added footstep sounds

  • 2 new weapon types (Staff and Instrument)

  • A new easter egg one-time use item available after completing Chapter 2

  • Tons of new item descriptions have been added

Fixed and Adjusted

  • Fixed water slowdown and enemy spawning in Eastern Windview

  • Fixed a bug where certain alcoholic drinks wouldn't have a chance of addiction

  • Changed description of "Wait" skill

  • The battle HUD now shows the correct amount of TP

  • Changed lots of item names, icons and descriptions.

  • Reduced overall MB size of the game

  • Many tile fixes

Read on the Mindhive: Wilds Wiki:



Next up

The next update for Mindhive: Wilds "Ascension" will be releasing soon!

A little sneakpeek into the updated battle system!

- Enemies now have thoughts

- Enemies now have healthbars

Mindhive: Wilds v1.8 is here and it brings... weapon modifiers?

The ninth winner of our INAYAH Joltbux giveaway is @thechadnicosus !

Enter by completing this quest:

We'll pick one winner for each day the quest is active! 🤯

An Important Announcement.

Wanna win 1,000 Joltbux? 💸

We extended the quest to wishlist INAYAH - Life After Gods on Steam and giving you more chances to win!

You have until March 3rd. We'll pick a winner each day the quest is active! 🤯

It's been a long year!

Here is a comparison of v1.0 to v1.7!

Warpstones from Mindhive: Horizons make their return in Mindhive: Wilds! These powerful artifacts enable instant travel to locations, offering permanent teleportation. However, convenience is costly, they're now extra pricey but worth the investment.

Congratulations to our War Thunder quest winners!

The quests and event may be over, but you can still play the game:

Thank you to everyone who entered!

Shhhh... take a listen! (v1.8)