Super Mario Bros Lethal Impact
8 months ago

Wall Jumpin' SMB1 Mario can't hurt you, Wall Jumpin' SMB1 Mario isn't real.

W A L L J U M P I N G S M B 1 M A R I O:

el Mario de SMB1 con wall jump no existe, no puede hacerte daño.

M A R I O D E N E S C O N W A L L J U M P:



Next up

Giygas (overworld) resprited

Fixed n Free view testing, now you can store Etanks and more things 4 the fangame coming (not so) soon.

Improved the view cause was a bit buggy before.

Early random "level screen" generator, 4 now only have 4 256x224px "screens".

Generador temprano de "pantallas de nivel", por ahora solo tengo 4 "pantallas" de 256x224.

This week's Fan Art Friday celebrates Donkey Kong. Accept the quest in your quest log to get started!

MIND part 2(now is personal lmao).

I wanna show what i have of MIND level(Checkpoint, koopas have a smoother animation now and a placeholder for another cutscene at the end.

If ya liked follow the game :P

Here's a quick and very wonky Luigi for Art Weeklies!

: Clip Studio Paint

Smol background 4 castle section of MIND level

We started with the development of the local co-op mode and with the generation of random "level screens" :D

Ya estamos haciendo el co-op y la generacion aleatoria de "pantallas de nivel"

Happy Retro Video Game Day!

Celebrate your favorite retro game by completing our quest.

It'll be in your quest log until March 10th.

The choices starts on "MIND" level, they will define what ending r ya gonna get.

i guess ya can understand the endings reading them so spoilin alert:


Royal regret.

Eternal king.

No hero.
