A Bonus Secret Reveal Fanart.
*This Event had a huge impact on Silent's "The Player" Mind.
It happened in FNaS 3: Mergedverse World...*
"Silent "The Avatar" has been found by Salvage Sonic "Storage-Up!", after incident that caused the structure to burn to the ground and fled not so far away, from the remains of "Sonic Heroes Pizza Dominion" the third building in establishment.
The Night Guards from Mergedverse World 1-3:
Knuckles "Recall", Amy Rose "Remind" and Modern Sonic "Reversion"
accompanying Silent "The Avatar", were sent moments before to the Concord Gem Bracelets, so as not to cause the Prototype Phantom Ruby to crack and move to further locations.
The locked Night Guards, preparing their strengths, were unable to summon at that time.
Silent was on her own... now standing face to face, before hers Worst Fear and Nightmare!"
An addon (Future) Comic:
Five Nights at Sonic's: Mergedverse World "Route of Recollect".
That happens before Five Nigths at Sonic's: Fiercy Forces "Imagine It!" Event,
by getting Silent "The Avatar" lured to a New Arcade Machine.Silent "The Player/Avatar" in Mergedverse World is gathering the Night Guards from all Pizzerias, located on South Island.
Plot's secrets and many on, still to reveal...