About this community for me:
I actually don't know this community when I started to join art community. When I heard of this from my friend, I see it as an interesting place and start to fit it there. When I join, I suddenly saw something cool for me: Good vibes and many talented artists. I also realized that one of my friend (the one with a fuchsia pink triangle as pfp) is a moderator. So then I come in and considered this one of the best communities ever, even if there is not much than 10000+ members and is not official. Thenkz to you guys for make my day awesome!
About the artwork:
Yeah I add that part of "synthwave" because the header and channel banner just remind me of that and it's my favorite "aesthetic category" lol. And I'm actually too lazy to add too much details so I won't be late until there are already 800 members lol. I want to post this on time when the number of members isn't too far from the number 700 (mathematics, duh). I add the perspective to the hand too. And again, I'm too lazy to add too much details, So that's why there's less detail :D
About the character:
That's Elvira. The truth is, all of you Digital Artists, including the collaborators (Juse, Tad and of course, Fer), all the friends and followers in the community and all of you I don't really know but is really talented! And besides of being inspired by y'all, I choose her because I want to represent a type of good vibes. :)
Alright so that's all. Enjoy your day Digital Artists! ✨