3 days ago

we have massacred my boy with genderbents again

never belived that i would drawn characters with animal traits only for a single joke that me and @ItzSForShadow created

and specially with tail and ''paws''


summary the nulli from another dimension normally called as snowy hell



Next up


the fact about chris chan's dimensional merge thing sounds a bit funny

motherfucker will practically fucking leave the world blind only to see who rules it

good thing it is only part of chris's mind

i still without know if reposts arent allowed

''how did i reached at this point¿''

Roll for Initiative

still saying this oc haunts me in any form

Not really a pride month art bc this aint Pride Month art its just ART xd

Had fun doing some Blender stuff again ;3 Gonna make something for pride later <3

any character that died and make you think that he or she deserved it¿

any media like animation or games

doesnt matter actually

they're besties

''i appearently love drawn zeffect like if she was a damned funtime''

-me 2024

Little alien I saw in a dream.

idk anymore so

''I have no use for you''