This week is going to be very Nintendo based one with Mario and Donkey Kong. This time I am going to take a different approach and actually going to detail what I'm going to stream each day!
Starting on Monday (Jan 13) I will be playing with some Super Mario Maker 2! Not just any levels but continuing the Ninth Year Mario Maker Celebration or 9MMC! We still got like 15-16 levels to go so will be here for a couple of weeks at least. Starting at the usual 18:00 GMT time! (LIVE RIGHT NOW)
Tuesday (Jan 14) is very special because The Sims youtube channel is going to give us a special "presentation" for the 25th anniversary of The Sims franchise. Obviously I'm going to watch it LIVE that's why the stream starts a bit earlier and going to be extra super long too. After that live event I'm going to stream more MySims and I'm telling that game really runs my juices low pretty quick so I might end up playing some Mario Maker afterwards but no promises with that.
Wednesday (Jan 15) is my free day. I usually edit more on this day and also just relax and let myself recharge for the rest of the week.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday (Jan 16-18), IT'S DONKEY KONG BABEEEH. It's here! He returned... AGAIN! We are playing some epic monke game! One of many childhood games I had on the Wii. I preordered physically because for some odd reason it was cheaper than digitally.
Anywho this is the schedule for WEEK THREE and I hope I will be seeing you on stream! Just type and there you go! Have fun everyone because this week is going to be insane!