Apologies for not staying true to my “weekly” updates, but I’ve been a little busy so who honestly cares as long as I make a post. I’ll take some space right here to ask if anyone has any requests to have anything they want to see be implemented. No, okay?
Originally, I was saving Super Shadow for the good ending, but thought it would be a waste to only keep him playable there. I decided that I would unhandcuff the chaos emeralds from the good playthrough, and make them completely optional. Instead of collecting the chaos emeralds for the good ending, I’ll have you do miscellaneous/tedious tasks like you would do in the original Shadow the Hedgehog game.
Upon obtaining the seven chaos emeralds, you will be granted the ability to transform into Super Shadow. He behaves differently in battle in the sense that he doesn’t take damage, but loses 1 HP per turn to represent rings being lost like in normal Sonic games.

I’m going to have to make the game check if you have certain skills unlocked as well (or not, I could just make all the skills unlocked). This also means that I have to set (most) of the dialogue boxes to check if you are Super Shadow or not to display both faces (which can be rather annoying).

What’s probably going to happen on June 16th.