Meet none other then "Repperly", also known as "Repperly Moeawsso Corrostso", one of the very first and ever and again Adopted Corrupted Children from them hands of Jax Justun Studios!!!! She's been with the insides of Jax Justun Studios for the longest time as well too!!! Speaking of which, this PNG/image here of this official #DD #ReaperNurse has been inside of my folders of my gaming laptop for almost like four or three long years now!!!!! So glad I been having that thing for awhile now for something special in the near future!!!
As of course, like right now!!!!! Anyways folks, that's it for now I guess!!!! Sorry to cut this short, but I must go now!!! I'll see you all when the official #29thJJSvideo has finally been officially completed!!! Have a nice and safe day and see you all next time!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!! #WelcomeToJaxJustunStudios!!!! #AdoptedCorruptedC1!!!!! #BewareOfTheACCkids!!!!!!!!