22 days ago

Whaddya think about Luna the Moth?
(also you can ask questions about her in the comments)



Next up

Happy Fathers Day!

All fathers flesh and bone and metal and plastic are Valid!

Sneaky alligator stole a banana and now he shall see the consequences

also thanks to: @-TightSocks- he made the original animation of some animatronic punching another give him a follow!

New Victory Screen!

Art by: @Random_User3

Redraw 2021-2024

I tried to stay as close to the original as possible, tho I did change a few things

The background in the old version is a crime, I should've been executed.

Chain saw man when he's sees a chain. Idk didn't watch the anime

Skyward Sword possibly had my most favorite story, and the most expressive Link has ever been!

Everyday I wish we can get this link back and this type of stories in the LoZ series (ngl I also enjoyed the gameplay)

Lynn Loedin in Casual Clothing

(Also she is wearing a sugars shirt as basically she got the shirt from her father as a hand me down, she hates the restaurant but keeps the shirt with her as mementos)

Nano machines stewie, they harden in response to physical trauma. So you can’t hurt me heheh

I cross-stitch birds, too : )!

Scrapped Georgiger Head concept for the remodel

(I went for a much more fnaf 1 design but i abandoned it for a much more traditional style as i took inspiration from the cell shaded style)