I kept running away from him at first and fell into this graveyard place and stuff but then i kept dying to skeletons, And respawn next to the guy so yeah that wouldn't work, I needed to find a way to kill the guy without running to the skeletons to hide, because If i try progress he will just follow me the entire way, Actually that does sound like a challenge a youtuber might do.
Anyway i figured something out eventually, I noticed when i try to attack him it knocks him back a little, and enemies in this game can take fall damage, as i once saw an enemy roll off a big tower and die once, after that i started looking for ledges, and lucky me there was one really close by, so you can imagine exactly what I did.
The green is where i spawned the purple is where the enemy spawned and i walked down the red path which i drew, which led me down some stairs onto another flight of stairs where i fought him on some stairs, then I pushed him down a hill and he died and it was great.
Also pretty much it lasted 10 minutes cuz i kept trying to not get hit but at the same time i needed to hit him so he eigher dodges off the cliff to his death or takes knockback and falls off the cliff.
And thats why he is dead
I also uninstalled the game shortly after i beat the 3rd boss because i needed storage because i fucked up my onedrive and it started installing everything i stored on that which was a lot more files than i have storage on my pc
Moral of the story dont attack people randomly in dark souls they will never forgive you even after you die