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why are people asking who am voting for ? when the hell did i ever strike anyone as an American 💀
correct me if am wrong but knowing how the American political system works, i bet my ass yall are fucked no mater who wins this election 🥔
we got a "happy tree friends/dumb ways to die" colab before GTA6 came out 💀
we live in one hell of a time line 🥔
.... ... .
i love glow 🥔
also, should i try and actually release this thing ? (don't know if all actually do it tho even if yall want it, cz too much work :[ )
the ut community be reaching a new lowe everyday 🥔
SP!dusttale thing am doing cz it's a game jam 🥔
thanks @MoRoZ_549 for informing me about the game jam 🥔
(and sorry if i wasn't supposed to show any progress 🥔👍)
yall should thank me for keeping myself from posting some of the outrageous stuff that pops out of my head 🥔
i be saving yall's brain cells multiple times a day and no body even a little thankful 😔