Unpaid Overtime
9 months ago

WIP. office isnt done yet and i hate the buzzing sound so im gunna change that. Basically everything you see here will most likely change in some way. Dont take this as the actual gameplay as I have yet to add interpolation



Next up

Repost of all of the cutscene images so far because i forgot to put the previous one to the game page. BTW I just finished the 3rd arcade minigame, anyone got any ideas for the fourth?

arcade machine

Probably the final version of the main menu so far, unless I keep putting off actually coding the game but it will most likely take so fucking long to do so

"make sure its on low"

Spent so long getting the camera animations and states working, probably like 30 minutes of work. If I showed the code youd probably laugh at how simple it looks but trust me it isnt simple at all to figure out. Still working on office movment too

im not too sure about this

somebody just sent me this

hmmm ai actually cooked for once (gunna change name)