My account and community has been, is, and will always be a safe space for LGBT, BIPOC, Women, and any other minorities. I myself, being a trans and queer artist with what I'd like to say is a pretty large following on here want to make it very clear that I will not and never have tolerated facism, bigotry or discrimination.
While I may not be American, or in an unsafe position as of now as a trans and queer person, I want you all to stay strong. Remember, pride is protest. Don't detransition or go back in the closet unless you absolutely have to, don't let them have the satisfaction of knowing they've won. The LGBT community has been around for centuries, and we are not going away now. Stay alive, stay safe, and be you. Those are the biggest forms of protest right now. Don't let anybody force you back in the closet unless you have no other choice.
Now more than ever do we need to uplift others, especially minorities. Don't stay silent, if you have a platform of any kind, use it for good
-clem (pixlstikz)