Bebe's Art Studio: The Video Game For X64 Windows Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT) 2019+
2 years ago

Woah! The "Bebe's Art Studio"-engine port of the "JadeJohnson Games House Builder Sub-Game-Engine™" can actually multitask!

As you can see in this video, the "Bebe's Art Studio"-rendition of the "JadeJohnson Games House Builder Sub-Engine™" can legitimately multitask! But what sets this apart from any multi-faceted feature of any of our prior main- or sub-game-engines, is that this feature was just a coincidence that was brought-on by the way we coded the house-builder tool itself!

Thankfully, although this new multitasking-feature was brought-about accidentally; number one, it's so cool that we're definitely keeping it in the game, and number two, we do (thankfully) still understand the system's priority-order!

From most-to-least priority when all six building-menus are simultaneously-active, the order of operations always goes:

Sixth-wall or ceiling,

Fourth-or-front wall,

Third-or-right wall,

Second-or-back wall,

First-or-left wall,

Fifth-wall or floor.

We were honestly quite shocked that PowerPoint was even able to handle such a complex rig, but that just proves, yet aGain, that it truly is, a real, game-engine!

We can't wait to get this tool into your hands after we finish the furniture-placer that'll go with it as well!

Anyway, thank you for taking the time to read this, and until our next post, "Happy Jading!™"

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Let's Play Apple Game In EdWhim - Official JadeJohnson Games Messenger Internet Longplay Part 6

Let's Play Apple Game In EdWhim - Official JadeJohnson Games Messenger Internet Longplay Part 2

Here it is, the Xbox Trailer no one expected.

The sixteen-bit iKuma SARI Slide-Show-Gaming Console was supposed to receive a Vocal-Synthesis-Support-Update before the end of its lifespan, but said feature was cancelled at the last minute, because... well... just listen to this!

Out with the old, In with the new!

Can you guess what these fifteen transparent-slides at the end of the Bebe's Art Studio Fashion Fabricator's code will do when they're finished being developed and animated? Hint: Maximum-Fan-Service!

If Harry Potter And Hermione Granger Were Gamer Muggles:

Made with HotShot AI GIF Generator.


Harry Potter and Hermione Granger sitting together on a couch playing Super Mario Odyssey on a television.

Hoping ya'll are ready to funk right now! If you want the testers key, DM me. :D

We shall be hosting the first-ever "JaderHonours"-presentation on December Thirty-First Of Twenty--Twenty-Four! We hope you will watch the video to discover what the show shall be all about!