Star Story
9 years ago

Work in Progress YouTube Video

To show you a bit of how things are going I made a small video in which I show a part of the first dungeon, and placed it on YouTube.

(I also placed the video in the game profile).

Of course, this is a Work in Progress video, so I want you to keep a few things in mind.

  • Not everything is fully animated yet. I still have some work to be done here.

  • If you wonder why I didn’t use Wendicka’s special abilities, well that is because that part of the game is not yet developed, so the game would have frozen or crashed if I tried XD. The stable release will support this of course. As a matter of fact, as soon as I get on the next section in fighting, that part is on top position of my agenda.

  • My recording software slows my computer and thus the game down a bit. It’s not as bad as it was in Dyrt (due to the Kthura map engine being far more efficient in screen rendering than the Teddybear map engine was, but still I did notice some slowdown).

  • Some debug notices will still be seen.

  • I am planning to bring the number of enemies down a bit. I think there are too much, but I’d like to hear your thoughts on this. Should I place more or less enemies in the game, or should I keep it the way it is now? (This video was shot in normal difficulty. The hard mode will have more by default and the easy version will have less).

Oh yeah, then a gameplay note. If you are wondering why Briggs has no EXP bar (and thus doesn’t gain levels), that is because he’s only a guest character and he’ll leave the party permanently after this dungeon has been completed. He’s the only character who doesn’t gain EXP for this reason :)

And so far this update. I think I’ll post more in my next monthly update (or sooner when some important stuff happened along the way).



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