
2 months ago

Yeah, I haven't done posts with a screenshot of the location for a long time.

Wow, 22 days since the last post :0



Next up

Trailer SocioRU ACT II

Hey, I made a new header for my game page.

SocioRu [ACT2: Sociality] - released

Time for a little something different!

Here's an earlier boss that I've never shown off here before. In case you can't tell, she's VERY hard and I've died to her many times.

I've done some re-balancing work lately, but it's still not going to be easy.

Game Patch v1.2

Alice from Mary Skelter: Nightmares

I'm still working on the game.

Yey! ACT2 SocioRu this is 95% done, it remains only to make the translation into English.

Bird Bunch is done so I'm back to updating this game. Here are some shots showing new enemies:

Somehow, I drew a location.