yeah the shading and the lighting suck, that’s because Procreate glitched and the file almost got corrupted :/ so I thought that was a pretty good sign as a stopping point… even though I had a lot left to do lol.
to be honest, I wanted to draw Moss in a different way… I was originally gonna draw him holding a metal pipe, but when I tried it just didn’t look so good (perspective sucks tbh, I gotta learn how to get better at it)
I like the idea of him being very cheerful and friendly towards customers, but just very violent when he has to deal with people who cause a… disturbance.
Like he could talk all about his day to you if you asked him, but cause trouble to him or his customers he’d immediately become distant towards you.
he’s actually a pretty patient person I think, like he’d give you alottt of chances before he actually did anything.
while I think Skinner would be more on the very quick to react.
very fun to think about their dynamic, I gotta think more about how they would actually work together… since Skinner is a business women and a show girl, while He’s an owner of an ice cream parlor…
I’m open to ideas btw lol!

Less saturated version.