Gonna start this off by saying, I'm aware this is redundant at this point with me constantly apologizing or constantly not doing my deeds of showing development. I just like to update y'all, I care for myself absolutely and am aware to put it above stuff here, but I do like to let y'all know these things. I genuinely mean it when I apologize for not having stuff to show.
I'm gonna take a break from things for now. I'm stressed out personally, dealing with stuff. Being not a kid anymore shit like this hits the fan pretty commonly. There's just a lot on my brain currently and I don't wanna burn myself out completely so sitting back for a while might be better.
I shouldn't have to apologize as I said cuz personal life is more important, but I do let y'all know these to make myself feel better and to let y'all understand why I haven't been super active or not posting development updates.
I would describe my problems but it gets personal and most doesn't need to be said here. So just gonna sit back for a while. I need it.
I usually don't like to vent as I keep it to myself mostly (or talk with my friends lol), so do excuse me for not describing stuff but I'm fine dw about me or anything, just gonna sit back. See y'all when I can ^^