Post about Battlefield!

Things that i have downloaded into my PC From BING!

Which one is your Favorite?

Me when my friends say there being under attack...

(I'm the Assault)


Trying to kill me?
Good Fucking Luck!

Clip: From @NightWolfPlayz61

Hey, I just updated the Description!

If you'd like to, You can send me your Battlefield 4 Clip.

It could be Funny moments, WTF Moments, Anything!

Shoot me a video in DMs and i will post it here!



New Downloads from my PC.

From Bing.

Love you people!~


I shot the pilot out of their heli, thinking I'd destroyed it. Then saw the teammate had nicked it haha.

If you have five mins, please check out my YT channel! Cheers -

Top 3 People Living In Different Countries. (Next slide)

Question: What have i created?

What language should i speak in?

Spanish, English(Normal), Russian, Your choice!

Alright, time for me to check ou- !

JEZZ WTF AM I SEEING!?!? Im seeing Russia in first.

United States in Second... ahh shit.

What did i create?

I Got some music that you might like from my liked playlist on spotify!