Post about Skullgirls!

Jenny wakeman Has joined the skullgirlverse

Mini robot fortune lol


Pintado con los plumos crayola (feo) vs pintado con los plumones de alcohol (bonito) XD.

Painting with the crayola pens (ugly) vs painting with the alcohol pens (pretty) XD.

i only need you to run, with me, today...

Concept Art.
i don't have name for this project, so...enjoy i guess.

If you have any doubt about the dialogue: "SHOOT FOOLS!!!"

WIP or something about this character "Iron Egret", gimme your opinions in the comments, and if you want a comm, send me a DM.

I took a reference from a photo and well, the Egrets use motorcycles.Enjoy this work.

I finally decided to continue blender and here is a WIP of my model of Big Band from Skullgirl

★//Cosas que tengo en mi galería//★

★//Things I have in my gallery//★

★//Feliz navidad Chicos mañana abrire reliquias por incio de vacaciones //★

★//Merry Christmas Guys tomorrow I will have relics for the beginning of the holidays //★