
2024 DDS Parody Character #9 - Jhob Stopper (Created on: Aug. 28th to 29th of 2024) Hey everyone!!!! I hope your remaining days of #AugOf2024 were alright and everything. Mines however were a bit rough....But I'd survived like a positive champion!!!!

It has now been the #20thDay of #AugOf2024, and of course, future updates will be instore for all of us until the next couple of days!!! Sadly, I won't have any chances to create some for tonight's because I'm of course tired from a long day at my job!!!!

Haxx Hustun Studios/Fan-Made Steam Game Header #3 - (Created on: Aug. 7th, 2024) I want to apologize for the lacks of future updates here on the #7thDay of #AugOf2024!!!!! Thankfully though, I had finally the perfect times from creating something!!!!!!!!!

JJS Parody Bio Poster #2 (For Larr) - Created on: Aug. 9th, 2024 We all know that tomorrow's the #10thDay of #AugOf2024, but Jax Justun Studios had made us the Official #2ndJJSparodyBioPoster!!!!