
HHS Parody Character Cartoon Poster #19 - (Created on: August 22nd, 2024) Well guys, I'd finally promised you all this!!!! An official parody creation created from me and them minds of both Napature Sci. and of course, Haxx Hustun Studios!!!!!

HHS Cartoon Depiction #18 (For Zedd Lighting Ender Dragon "ZLED") - Created on: June 30th, 2024 See guys, I promised you all for some future parody contents and everything!!!! Been so long since I made one with themed Minecraft stuff as well too!!!!!!!!!!

HHS Parody Character Cartoon Poster #9 - (Created on: June 20th, 2024) It's yet again another day of me creating yet another #HHSparodyCharacter #CartoonPoster!!!!! Today's also June 20th, 2024, and we finally got what had wanted!!!!!

HHS Parody Character Cartoon Poster #8 - (Created on: June 19th, 2024) Hello again folks!!!! Once again, I given you guys yet another promised future update and everything!!!!

HHS Parody Character Cartoon Poster #11 - (Created on: June 28th, 2024) (Bonus: HHS Classified Recalled Logo #VersionOne) Well guys, today's June 28th, 2024, and for this morning's of course, a special day!!!! By the way, today's my day off as well too!!!