
My mother, half a month passed and I didn't even realize, I hope you know how to apologize and you really like the game, now it is available

#IndieGame #Game #GameDev #Gamer #Cloistral #Indie

A happy new year wishes you Cherry'Start, Meg, Cloistral, The Nomad, Escort, and other characters created by Cherry'Start

#NewYear #IndieGames #GameDev #Draw #BeachShark #NomadicPlanet #Cloistral #Escort #Games #Gamer #Book

To thank those who support the cherry logo, I made this animation that will be included in Cloistral with a thank you to everyone who supports the cherry logo projects.

#PixelArt #Gamejolt #GameDev #IndieGames #Gamer #Cloistral