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So, are you Team...

Comment below. Be civil. This is for fun.

#teamplaystation #teamxbox #teammisc #videogame #playstation #xbox #sega #pc #laptop #gamecube #dvd #wii #switch #sony #nintendo #mobile

Art from Ars Technica

  0 votes Voting finished

What's your favorite genre of game?

Pictures shown are some of my favorites. There was an old pc game called Barney Carnage. Fun times. 😆

#gamegenre #genre #videogame #playstation #xbox #sega #pc #laptop #gamecube #dvd #wii #switch #sony #nintendo #mobile

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Ледниковый период 2.5 на пиратском DVD вышел еще в 2009 года после выхода третий части Ледникового периода #DisneyPlus #Disney #20thCenturyFox #BlueSkyStudios #IceAge #DVD #DVDPirata #DVDBootleg

Ледниковый период 5 на пиратском DVD WTF?

#DisneyPlus #Disney #20thCenturyFox #BlueSkyStudios #IceAge #DVD #DVDPirata #DVDBootleg