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Serious Sam: The First Encounter


2024 DDS Parody Character #3 - Slimme-Flurr (Created on: June 11th, 2024 - Aug. 1st, 2024) Well hello there folks, after nearly THREE months in development, the official and highly awaited #3rdDDSparodyCharacter's finally here at long last of time!!!!!!!!

Good afternoon everybody!!!! Anther day, and another....I mean, and more important announcements to create and make!!!! Hope you guys are doing well so far!!!!!

FNatJJ's 3 (All Parody Characters from Series Two/2019) - Created on: June 2nd, 2024 No clue like how many times I've been only using the FNAF, SCP, BanBan realms & Comms for these posts, but yeah!!! here we are once again you guys!!!!