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We have some contrary opinions on #Hades...

We just uploaded this week's video on our YouTube, where we talked about our experience with Hades and Hades 2. Go check it out!

#podcast #gamedev

Hades 2 is COMPLICATED... || MNG Developers Talk
#hades #hades2 #hadesii 🎮 Hey, it's us My Next Games. This time we decided to talk about both Hades games. Turned out we have pretty contrary opinions...🟠...

I've put together a basic pause menu, for now it only shows some basic stats that I use sometimes to do some testing. Follow to keep updated on development!

#rwby #fangame #action #adventure #hades #survivors


New stuff!

XP drops, XP bar and leveling up!

The XP automatically goes towards you if you are close enough, there will be ways to upgrade that.

(For this video, every orb drops 1 XP, you need 20 to level up)

#RWBY #fangame #action #pixel #pixelart #hades


More features, Ruby now has an Ultimate Ability!

Unleash the power of her silver eyes!

Including some nice shadows effects.

#RWBY #update #fangame #hades #survivor #survivors #action

Hades fanarts!

I adore Supergiant's character designs.

The line's between Dio and Ares inspired the second one.

#hades #hadesfanart #dionysus #ares