
Phewwww thank goodness I made it until the deadline o(`ω´ )o

It took longer than I expected too.. (damn, it took like 26hr for this)

I actually tried thick coating for the first time for this drawing so maybe that’s why
@BroWhyAmIHere #LZYArtContest2023


Thank you for all the people that participated in this contest :D

The entries were all amazing 🤩🤩

First place: @Homlily

Second place: @aradido_the_drawing

Third place: @Syxusty

See all of the entries in the article below⬇️


oh yh btw 2 days left until the competition ends


Alr so I see that you guys are pretty much interested soooo

I’ll be hosting an official art competition!!!!111

Contest duration time: August 13 - August 31

More info in the article if you’re interested