
Got a team formed? If not, why not put up a #LookingFor post here to fill that last spot in your team, or make a #SelfPromo post and see who finds you?

Remember, the theme for #SummerJam2021 will be announced at CEST 5pm tomorrow! #StayTuned !

We've gotten some questions about the finer details of #SummerJam2021 - and have put together an FAQ for all our wonderful Jammers!

LFG #SelfPromo. I studied game programming 2004, never worked with it. Expert at iOS and VR. have touched pretty much every facet of game programming but really not an expert at any.

Would love to join a team or find a partner to build something esoteric.


Looking for a team! Can make characters/animations for isometric view GDevelop game, plus 3d renders & cut scenes! #SelfPromo