

A new ability from the roughest bard in Aldore named Richard!!

Read the article content below to understand the description of this new ability, as well as other details.

#rpg #rpgmaker #2d #fantasy #knightsofthenewnorth #dragonsburrow


The last special ability from this character, he is a "16-old-years" black mage who has a enormous capacity to conjure many elemental black magic abilities.

#rpg #rpgmaker #2d #fantasy #knightsofthenewnorth


Another new ability from him, the roughest bard in Aldore named Richard!!

Read the article content below to understand the description of this new ability, as well as other details.

#rpg #rpgmaker #2d #fantasy #knightsofthenewnorth #dragonsburrow


A showcase about Rigius, an old powerful sage with capacity to conjure the Sagacity Magic.

In this video, he shows his second special ability, called Wise Fortification.

Read the article below about it.

#rpg #rpgmaker #2d #fantasy #knightsofthenewnorth


After many months without posting anything here, I'm back with the animation of Gabriela's last ability, a ranger.

#rpg #rpgmaker #2d #fantasy #knightsofthenewnorth