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Sorry I haven't really been posting much in terms of cog, most of my focus has been on Chica's right now since we're really close to being done! In the meantime though, here's some scrapped game over screens.

#fnaf #fangame #tcfs #runninginthe80s

Running in the 80's / The Cog Spinning Forever — Development Stream
"The Cog Spinning Forever" Game Page us!HackGameX294:

The gamepage for the DEFINITIVE "Running in the 80's" remaster is live, go check it out!! #fnaf #fangame #tcfs #runninginthe80s


Since I'm not gonna be continuing work on it until I get my new PC, I figured I might as well show it for the sake of showing it. Here's a small look at the menu for the official (and final) Running in the 80's remaster! #fnaf #fangame #rit80s #tcfs