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Version 3.0.5 out.... Features bugfixes for popup traps, and 2 new difficulty configs, "slaughtermap mode" and "slaughtermap mode v2"... Both make the maps ultra hard, but the second is nuts... It makes it like fucking hell revealed #games #zdoom

New Version 7.2.0 out! Makes major changes to level size to make levels bigger.... That's the only change... #games #gaming #zdoom

7.1.0 out. This fixes texture issues only... Everything else is like 7.0.5.... #games #gaming #zdoom

Onslaught levels rebuilt another time! I wasn't satisfied with the old maps so I rebuilt 99% of the onslaught maps with obsidian map generator and made sure they are big maps this time. Also made sure they start hard... #zdoom #games

As of late, I've been in a frenzy, trying to solve a computer problem where onslaught crashes to desktop with "microsoft visual c has requested to terminate it in an unusual way" error. I suspect malware... May have fixed it with a firewall #zdoom #games