3dgames in 3D-2D games

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Anarky is better than ever 💹..... but we broke some buildings...sorry 😅



The loadout doesn't makes everything !


We showcase two upgrades: an enhanced missile system that now follows its target, and the UltraGun, a temporary upgrade to the MachineGun with boosted fire rate and damage. See how these new mechanics change the dynamics of combat!


Alright everyone's here, let's begin...

Here's EXPLOITATION_, a third person sandbox action-adventure tactical game that blends in tycoon mechanics.

Steam : https://store.steampowered.com/app/3126290/EXPLOITATION/

Website : https://junestudio3d.com/en/exploitationgam


Rearview Build 0.5 | Here I added a place where when driving you can choose each vehicle, this will be kept temporarily until the UI is finished, I also added better icons to the inventory, we hope to hear your opinions.