Commission in Blender

Share your 3D Art!
People With Blender experience Needed

Hiring 3D Artists/Modelers that uses blender! Contact us on [email protected] for more info!

(interested comment | More info in the article)

Hey everyone! I’m going to Comic-Con in a month and I’m trying to make a Pyro cosplay from TF2. Does anyone have a life-sized 3D printable Pyro mask that I can use as a mold for my mask? If anyone does, send it my way, and see you at Comic-Con!
Hey there, so, I'd like you guys could give some support to a friend of mine who recently opened 3d modelling commissions, so if you're intested you can buy him a commission or at least share this :…

Anyone interested please contact me on discord

We are still finding modelers to join our team!! Tomorrow is the opening!!