News in Devs

Indie Games

NOTICE: In the 2-year update of Mazmorra de la Locura I will release more than 25 achievements and open a contest* for people who upload their achievements using a # that I will announce soon.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: I will not be working on LaLiga DT for the next two weeks (except for events ), because I will be working on the anniversary version of Mazmorra de La Locura . Meanwhile, I will leave the TOTYs contest #MyTOTYsLaLigaDT.

This week there have been two simultaneous events... These are their cards:

-First 3: Europe event

-Last 3: TOTY Nominees

Today begins your TOTYs contest! An event that will have many rewards!

You will only have to enter your LaLigaDT museum (no download or login required) and take a screenshot, uploading it with #MyTOTYsLaLigaDT

To know more see the article !!!

Uh bad News, my pc has been dead for a while now ,

so no work has been done on Dodgy Dodgy scince my last post.

Lucklly i had backup files on my pen drive so only minimal updates were lost.

So pro tip: ALWAYS have a backup of your stuff.