Tutorials/Help in Blender

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what is with c4d modelers and bad topology (not saying all of them)

Using image and image(?) bump textures leads to weird patches on model even after UV unwrapping (will be explained in the article below

Anyone know how to add two full models, rig and all, into one blender project?

So this file randomly popped up on my computer... anyone know what the hell it is?

Does anyone know how to save textures, the textures work but when I reload, the textures are gone (yet are still in the materials). Idk if this is a bug or I'm just dumb. (I use 3.4 if that helps)


@Deep_Zar asked why the edges of my meshes look the way they do in the #Blender viewport, so here's the answer! 👇

Anyone know how to move the camera in blender 3.4? No matter how much I use the arrows, my camera will not move..

I hope this makes sense...
I want to only paint HALF of a texture, then apply it to BOTH halves of a symmetrical mesh.
Is there an easy way to do this? Can I just UV unwrap half of the model or something...? I need some help @_@

I am back and wth something in store.

This is more of a Unity issue I think - But I'm having ALOT of trouble importing my blender model+rig into a VRChat Unity Humanoid thing.
It keeps clustering up my bones, especially in the head... :'(
Does anyone know whats wrong? What I should google...?