Work in Progress in Blender

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First time doing hand animations 🙏

hmm... (very early and definitely not final textures lolz)

work in progress

I think I'm having too much fun sculpting in blender

Rehaciendo a catcher por que se le borro el modelo

(Cambiaré muchas veces la cabeza de este)


Remaking catcher design because him model has deleted

(I gonna change the head many times)

managed to do some typography this week c:

they are not fully finished, but i think they look pretty nice ;D I hate logotypes... and typography... so Im even happier that I managed to make these :D


Alhamdulilah "Thank God"

Rachel The Cheetah

Tested to see if i can import Lego into Blender
IT WORKED gonna get some lego renders now :3