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Post me something! OwO

Reginald Copperbottom: Hey, where did munchkin go?
Me Right Now with Charles Calvin:

Skengine smiley face


So, metal sonic's level is going to take a while until it is complete, but for now, expect his first level to be Death Egg Zone! W.I.P Please note the layout may not be finalized when you look at it, so, enjoy the metal sonic sneak-peek!

I just have a question for y'all! Its something involving clickteam fusion 2.5! Now the same question goes to the developers to Clickteam Fusion 2.5

I went too far with the paywall thing :v




THE RED TAPES: trailer.


The entire engine I will be using from now on is Simple Sonic Worlds Plus so I can rework on the game!

it's here bois, the official eyeless robotnik sprite I did myself!

Im dead