What's so creepy?

dagetry alpha 2 released!

Alpha 2 will be released very soon (within the next week, honestly), I try to do the development as quickly as possible

Now the game is really horror. But Alpha 2 will not include Level 7 and 8 from The Tower. All in order for you to enjoy the game

you KNOW something isn't right here.


Moving Platforms

Finally I made them

Next up: Breaking Platforms, Falling Platforms and Normal Platforms :)

Stay tuned! I want to drop a demo soon :DDD

#Sonic #Sonic_Exe #Sonic_Jack #Sonic_Fangame #Creppy_Pasta

Why the fuck does she have purple eyes.

Announcements on dagetry alpha 2. Read the article

Hi! I am developing a new creepypasta game dagetry (Geometry Dash.exe). I also posted the first alpha version of the game. I'll show you bossfight's sneak peek and more soon

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