Games in Cafe Dot

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Pet Menu Updated!
You can now RNG your Pets name or Type a new one!

Have birbs while I panic over UI code

SO. Couldn't get the shader to work, it kept using the same colour as the font, and wasn't turning any size.
So I edited the font to have an outline. This means I can't scale my font since I have to do each size manually.

Maybe I can scale the UI instead.

Ok, so I'm not entirely happy with it (and I forgot the clamp) but the Onscreen keyboard can now be used for other things, like changing the players name.

I have hacked at my code, it lies before me in pieces and

it doesn't work

Well, manual line breaks work, but no mater what I try it wont detect the line length and add one. It even shifts the whole line down one (not only the once).

Not having fun