general in >Dormitabis
Share your creations!
>FileCode: [Tape_#02]
\Transforming_AudioLog_to_text: ¡Complete!
Big devlog about the game is coming. And here is one more thing:
We need a big help with making models, specially animatronics. So, if you want to help, write me in discord:
Read article about nicchi/@Blackout1912 's controversy
Today will be the first voice lines leak for the game. Wait more info
“.od su fo tser eht sa hcum sA .od I sa hcum sa ereh eb ot evresed uoy taht wonk uoY .flesruoy ot eil ot esoohc llits uoy ti no sdneped efil ruoy nehw nevE”
"Doy mkpw fq td pf ql qg sp dq x"
-3 Layer's deep
Modular arithmetic
The below post aged like milk LOL, But it's still technically true. I will be uploading a teaser in the next month or so which will (at the very least) show off some models for Crawlspace!
@AnAberrantTeam deleted their game, dormitabis remastered because after CRAWLSPACE: insanity remaster has been cancelled
Eng: Ventilations are finished.
Рус: Вентиляции готовы.