Game Dev in Game Jolt Creators
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● Added a "help" section to the game, with some info on what things are etc.
● Added a button that unlucks all the abilities.
● Fixed bug allowing you to use consumables when at 0 HP.
The playtest is now on the Itch page instead of Patreon.
Alr i'm working for more games
Amd this is 1 of them!
Please contact: @sun_and_Games (discord user: ennardo) (yes thr same guy from Animatronic theater poster)
But this is different, is an Undertale Fangame!
Hope ya interested!
I think I want to focus more on this original game than Spring's for now and idc about the Fnaf fanatics who will now hate me for this and who will now not like the post but yea cry about no Fnaf content
HUB & Consumables ● Devlog 2
That was a long time ago now. I it found today and rendered it, it was made for a original game I once planned, and for that reason it's probably the most important thing I've ever made. For me it has much story