Promote in Game Jolt Sticker Lab

Share your creations!

Both the recent changes in Twitter's policies and the mass exodus of users to Bluesky motivated me to create an account there:
You can follow it if you want , I hope you guys can support me and I'll try to be active in there

I can draw ur oc in a semi realistic style for 1k-3k robux
And a chibi style for 200 rbx
Or a more anime/cartoon style for 500 robux
**HAS TAX** or not depending on the deal we make
And it takes me about a few hours to 3 days depending on the style

Prizes for the Murder Drones Gameshow!
Tune into the Server! check the trailer!

Me and @MrDee invite you to The Murder Drones Gameshow!!!
This Saturday!!! so be sure to check it out
Join Dee's Basement to have fun!
Invite link:

2 new frames and one new background to celebrate the spooky month!!
Available from today till November 1st! Get yours here:
PS: The replaced frames and background will be back on the shop after :)