tests in Indie Game Community
#WIPWednesday! I Wanted to get that annoying flying bugs feeling here.
A Swarm of these has got to be deadly.
Oh hey look a normal video game puzzle!
BTW These are place holders I just noticed puzzles make a video game feel more gamey, So I'm gonna figure out how to do that.
The Giant Scorpion program is underway. Also wondering if I should make it look more dangerous.
#WIPWednesday I Think this video explains it, took all day for the updated code.
Actually a few more things are needed but it works now.
A Few things first #WIPWednesday! and de-spawning system, sound testing also switched up the first level.
Title screen mockup for demo and early access. A very rough sketch. Wanted to see if this is an interesting option at all. Do you think it's worth developing?
#gamedev #IndieDev #Pixel #PixelArt #GameJoltCreator #indiegamedev #indiegame #arcade #retrogame
Combat mechanic to keep the player more active in the fight.
This is definitely a #WIPWednesday I had to leave layers on for this one.
Need to finish the Special Spider Suspension System.
What if you cannot save everybody, what if you cannot loot everything, what if you cannot achieve all objectives, would that make the game unfair?