tests in Indie Game Community

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#WIPWednesday! I Wanted to get that annoying flying bugs feeling here.

A Swarm of these has got to be deadly.


Oh hey look a normal video game puzzle!

BTW These are place holders I just noticed puzzles make a video game feel more gamey, So I'm gonna figure out how to do that.



The Giant Scorpion program is underway. Also wondering if I should make it look more dangerous.


#WIPWednesday I Think this video explains it, took all day for the updated code.

Actually a few more things are needed but it works now.


A Few things first #WIPWednesday! and de-spawning system, sound testing also switched up the first level.


Title screen mockup for demo and early access. A very rough sketch. Wanted to see if this is an interesting option at all. Do you think it's worth developing?

#gamedev #IndieDev #Pixel #PixelArt #GameJoltCreator #indiegamedev #indiegame #arcade #retrogame



Combat mechanic to keep the player more active in the fight.


This is definitely a #WIPWednesday I had to leave layers on for this one.

Need to finish the Special Spider Suspension System.


Close combat in the dark is a risky way

What if you cannot save everybody, what if you cannot loot everything, what if you cannot achieve all objectives, would that make the game unfair?
