Questions in ♡SweetHeart Plaza♡

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#GJAsks Metroid, Sonic, Mario, Pac-Man, Galaga, Sega classic collections, ProjectX LP... :3

1. I think it's cute and yes from me :3

2. *Jumps to your arms to cuddle*

3. Hi there 😊

Stolen from @Leo-Art08 which was stolen from @FoxGuyFoxtail .

1. Ah yes my people shall praise me sun and shall praise moon (@SuperiorS_nandm00n ) too

2. Me kno how know is me yes = ara ara UwU+

3. Now you'll never leave *drags to dungeon* hehehehehehehehehehe! >:3

4. DAYUMMM!!... 😏

1. Hehehehehe hehehehehe :3

2. Don't you run away! *Runs after you*


4. AHHHHHH *ded*

5. *Cough cough* yeah lemme just... *Pulls out LGBTQ card and Bisexual certificate*

6. OMG CHERRI, HOW LONG HAS UT BEEN!? *Hugs and kisses* 😚😚