press here to make a post in this community ig

#GJAsks so far so long, my favorite game movie is Sonic! Cool story, cool CGI, I'm also glad they change what the fans don't like, for example, the old sonic Design.



UNDERVERSE 0.8 Teaser Part 1 RELEASED!!!!! As an Undertale fan im very hyped up. (this was actually released 2 weeks ago, i screenshotted this late) vid on article, or if u could see it below well-

Erhem. JujutsuDonald's is open as a GC restaurant! We are HIRING!

Call: 09-J-UDONALDS-67 to apply!

Or just shout at meif you wanna get hired.

(Good time to sponsor my game too lol-)

Check the article!

Heres some unfinished and finished stuff thats going to be added soon. Plus a Battle 1 Outside Map Sneak Peek.

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