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#GJAsks I believe it was Super Mario 3D Land for the 3DS.

Great game in my opinion!

#Nintendo #Mario #Gamejolt

Having trouble with [SECRET LEVEL THAT SHALL NOT BE NAMED]? Download the updated patch, intended to fix a handful of issues within [CLASSIFIED FINAL LEVEL].

I own a zelda 64 copy now



how do I get in there

have I been in there

can I get in there?

I couldn't find anything online...


does anyone know how to get in the left hole?

i refuse to beat the game without knowing what's in there...






What's The First Game You Ever Beat? #GJAsks

I'm not sure. It's been along time. I think my first game I ever beaten was Super Mario Bros. 3. on NES.


#GJAsks what was the first video game that I ever beaten was Super Mario Bros for the NES back in 1990. I remember playing every day trying to beat level 8-3 dealing with the hammer bros. I manage to beat it and going to the last level was a breeze.

#GJask idk probably a Mario game


Despite being so unsure of this, Sonic The Hedgehog was the first game i've beated, and i can't stop playing it until this year, i love the first game a lot, is just awesome to me like the sequel on 1992, just my most favorite game on this saga