Projects in Ostawolt Games Community

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Just leaving these 2 animation frames of shattered funtime freddy's jumpscare here for a little sneak peek, before I go to bed!


#fnaf #fangame #BL2thegrandreopening #comingsoon

The ONWYN 1 mfa is now released to the public!

I've been debating on doing this for a while after I got it back so uh... now it's out and y'all can do whatever you want with it lol

Concept art from another version of this game that was previously planned, going for more of a Willy's Wonderland style concept and being a more ambitious project before reverting back to the nightmares and keeping it simple

Since @OstawoltGames showed some of his stuff from the 2021 version of the game I might as well do my part. Here's the old version of the current thumbnail and Freddy teaser I made for it and yeah... that's it LOL


What is this? A little bit of gameplay? NO FUCKING WAY

(Open Article)

The Return to Toony's Generic Recode Edition Is OUT NOW!

Play Now:

Ladies and gentlemen, Fredbear's beta jumpscare animation HAS BEEN FOUND! Apparently @OstawoltGames had it the whole time, just never looked deep enough into the abyss of his files lol


I wonder

We gettin' new jumpspooks for When The Lights Go Dim…