Comments (49)

I beat the game disamol :]

Moonlight Madness was very fun, gg
i really want this to come back some day

that was a very modernized return
Five Nights With Mac Tonight 2: MoonLight Madness
The Return to Toony's Generic Recode Edition
Springtrap:The Return Modernized
ONwYN:Hell of Fredbear But Better
ONwYN 2 Beta Recode
The Return to Toony's Generic Recode Edition Android
Springtrap:The Return Modernized Android
ONwYN:Hell of Fredbear But Better Android
ONwYN 2 Beta Recode Android
FNaF Fangame recodes i made/making for fun and to improve a games expirance for fun
if you find any bugs in any of the recodes tell me them in comments
@RedRabbitGames - ONwYN Creator
@GreenJerry - Android Port
@Mr_Malos - Beta Testing
ONwYN:Hell Of Fredbear but Better!
@RedRabbitGames - ONwYN Creator
@Neddbear502 - ONwYN Hell Of Fredbear Creator
@GreenJerry - Android Port
@mrs_sugar ,@Mr_Malos,@baharkolahi
, @MemeSauce
- Beta Testing
Springtrap:The Revenge Modernized
@DaRadsla - Original Game
@GaboCO316 - Springtrap Model
Julio Mitrović - Springbonnie Extras Render
@GreenJerry - Android Port
@baharkolahi , @bixqa
, @mrs_sugar
- Beta Testing
The Return to Toony's Generic Recode Edition
@DaRadsla - Original Game
@bixqa - Grammer Help And Emotinal Support
@Mr_Malos - Couple of Edits And Ideas
@GreenJerry - Android Port
@mrs_sugar ,@bixqa
- Beta Testing
FIve Nights With Mac Tonight 2: MoonLight Madness
@Malrat_ - Original Game
@Mr_Malos - Voice Acting, Ideas and Asset Help
@Tocin - Insparation
@Thegoatone123 - Existing
And Also
Other Cool Recode Pages
Another Generic Recode (Fangames Edition)- By @Just_J
(not fully a recodes page but kinda) Peripherals' Random Game Dump - By @Peripherals
Every TMF48 Recode - By @TMF48_Games
Tags (ignore)
#fangame #horror #fnaf #action #pointnclick #survival #puzzle #recode #other